Emergency Electrician
Looking to Hire an Emergency Electrician? For Home Appliance Repair, Call Us
At MultiserviHogar Servicios Integrales, we have an emergency electrician who can help with
appliance repair. We know that making your appliances work is very important. We offer many different services so that you can get back online as soon as possible. Our electrical technician can come to you urgently and start working on the problem affecting your appliances as soon as possible. We know that you often can't wait for them to be fixed, and if you had to wait, you may need to replace the unit entirely. We do not want you to spend more than necessary, so we make urgent home visits.
On our website, we offer you our rates in advance. You can pay monthly or quarterly, allowing you to have someone come to repair your home when needed. We will perform maintenance on a monthly or quarterly basis with our monthly and quarterly contracts, so you can always know what condition your home is in.
On our website you can click on the different services we offer and find our offers page. On the page, we have discounts and information on specialized services that you can purchase for your home, such as 180 degree cleaning and sanitizing. We work with ozone machines and would be happy to talk to you about how to use it to clean your air.
We know that it is not always easy to find a company to work with when you need to maintain your home, especially with what it can cost. That is why we are proud that you have chosen to speak with us. We would love to be there for you when you need us. Call us today at 625 089 399, and we will be happy to talk to you about what we can do for you.